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A StarPicker component returns the following html structure by default:

<div class="StarPicker">
<button class="StarPickerButton">
<div class="StarPickerButtonContent">
<div class="DefaultStarComponent"></div>
<button class="StarPickerButton">...</button>
<button class="StarPickerButton">...</button>
<button class="StarPickerButton">...</button>
<button class="StarPickerButton">...</button>

In addition to the class names listed above for each element, every "StarPickerButton" button is given the class names of:

  • selected if the button is part of the current selection
  • addSelection if not selected but is part of suggested selection during hover
  • removeSelection if is selected but not part of suggested selection during hover
  • isHovered if the button is being hovered over

These additional class names may be useful when customizing styles for the different selection states. However, when there's a greater need to control the content and styling of the rendered stars, consider providing StarPicker with a custom star renderer.